Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Interview: Assignment 5 (questions) and 6 (interview)

News Writing and Reporting
Assignment No. 5 and 5b

1. For this assignment, you are to write 10 questions for an interview that you will use to build a feature profile story. Your will interview:

  1. Someone at least one full generation older than you (approximately 20 years). The theme of the interview: The differences between being young today and when your subject was young. Explore the central concerns of young people when your subject was your age. Find out what that person thinks about the concerns of young people today.
  2. Choose someone who you suspect will have something to say about this subject. You might try an educator, a coach, a community or church leader, someone who is concerned with social issues, or someone who is in contact with a variety of people.
  3. Before coming up with your questions, find out as much background information as you can about that person and the times when he or she was young. That way, the questions you ask will produce rich, interesting answers.
  4. Remember that you must phrase your questions to avoid one-word, or “I don’t know” sort of answers.
  5. Be curious

2. After you have interviewed your source, turn in the following (on 9/24):
a. A one-paragraph introduction that will introduce your interview when it runs in your paper.
b. Each question, carefully crafted:

Assignment 6 (due 9/29)
a.     Do your interview and transcribe it.
b.     Edit your interview into a good, readable product..
c.     Write a headline and a byline for your interview.
d.     Your finished interview should be handed in as follows:
(Your Initials): Your question.
(Subjects Initials): Their answer.

            When you hand in your piece, you should include:
a.     Your finished product
b.     The list of questions you asked (from your transcription, not from your proposed questions)
c.     One item from your interview that you found most interesting and why.
d. The contact information for your source, including the person’s name, title, phone number, and email address

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